first time painting with brushes |
reading with Grandpa Giles |
with sticks and leaves |
exploring the camera with Grandpa Giles |
building with Podge |
Thanksgiving with the family |
The autumn has been very full, with visits from family -- both the Curry and Stevenson Grandparents, as well as counsins, aunts and uncles, and friends). The twins have had their first special holiday dinners out at restaurants and have thoroughly enjoyed looking for Christmas lights after dark (which always prompts the sign and word for "More!" with great enthusiasm).
David and Genevieve have been learning many new spoken words this fall (such as Genevieve's absolute go-to word: "no no no no", and David's favorites: "Dove" and "Cut" and the ever-versatile "That"). Their signing vocab is expanding as well, with new signs for "I'm excited", "horray," and "let's clean up". They have also been experimenting with the potty and have learnt how to take off their own diapers! Genevieve especially enjoys signing that she has go to poo poo, and also likes to help during David's diaper changes by handing mommy a pile of diaper wipes.
David loves to help in the kitchen, tidying up recycling and garbage, as well as carrying things to and from the fridge. His favourite game is to play hide and seek, initiated by David covering his eyes with his hands, and to play chase round and round the house.
Both David and Genevieve love love love to dance, to any kind of music (from jazz, to pop, to the sound of the potty celebration music), and when teeth brushing they sing loud so that we can reach their back teeth.
All in all, their adventures in development are endlessly charming (to me) and thoroughly energetic! With Christmas just around the corner, there is much anticipation in the air....
I LOVE the "singing loud so they can brush the back teeth...". I can picture you belly-laughing at the sight of the silly things these beautiful creatures do all day :-)